Unsere Praxis bietet eine Vielzahl von therapeutischen Behandlungen an, um Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. Unsere hochqualifizierten Therapeuten arbeiten eng mit Ihnen zusammen, um individuelle Therapiepläne zu entwickeln und Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zu berücksichtigen.
Licensed Professionals
All of our licensed professionals have been carefully selected and rigorously trained, ensuring that you receive the best experience. When you choose to work with us, know that you are consistently choosing quality and excellence. Contact us to learn more.
Eco-Friendly Design
We would not be who we are without our eco-friendly design, which is at the core of our strategy. We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our capabilities when it comes to design and production. Get in touch to learn more.
First-Rate Materials
We have strict standards when it comes to what we produce and never compromise on quality. This is especially true when it comes to the first-rate materials we use. Our customers deserve the highest level of products on the market, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards.
First-Rate Materials
We have strict standards when it comes to what we produce and never compromise on quality. This is especially true when it comes to the first-rate materials we use. Our customers deserve the highest level of products on the market, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards.
First-Rate Materials
We have strict standards when it comes to what we produce and never compromise on quality. This is especially true when it comes to the first-rate materials we use. Our customers deserve the highest level of products on the market, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards.

Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden für Sie
Allgemeine Heilgymnastik
klassische Massage
Manuelle Therapie
Bobath – Therapie ( Krankengymnastik ZNS)
CMD Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion
Manuelle Lymphdrainage – Ödemtherapie
Faszientherapie (FDM) nach Typaldos
Medizinische Trainingtherapie
LNB Schmerztherapie (nach Liebscher und Bracht)
Cranio – Sacrale Therapie
Kinesiotaping / Funktionelle Verbände Leukotape
Dorn – Methode
Breuß -- Massage
Tuina Massage
Fango / Wärmetherapie
Elektrotherapie und Ultraschall
Hausbesuche nach ärztlicher Verordnung